Start the generated SiLA Server

The code snippets use the package name my_sila2_package, as in the example here. Use the name of your package instead.

Install the package

After you generated a SiLA Server/Client package, you can install it from the directory where the file pyproject.toml is located:

  • Use pip install -e . if you plan to modify the package files later. This installs the package in “editable” mode so that your changes are applied without requiring a re-installation. This will create a new directory my_sila2_package.egg-info, which is required by the Python packaging infrastructure and can be ignored.

  • Use pip install . instead, if you just want to install the package. This has to be run again if you make updates to the code. Two directories will be created: build and my_sila2_package.egg-info. They can be ignored or deleted.

Run SiLA Server as module

The generated package contains a file, which makes it an executable Python module. You can start the SiLA Server with python -m my_sila2_package [options]. Two options are required: --ip-address and --port. To run the server on your local device (“localhost”) and port 50052, use python -m my_sila2_package --ip-address --port 50052 [encryption options].

There are multiple options regarding encrypted communication:

  • Use --insecure to start the server using unencrypted communication.

    This violates the SiLA specification and should only be used for development purposes.

  • Use --cert-file CERT_FILE and --private-key KEY_FILE to provide a PEM-encoded certificate and private key.

  • Otherwise, the server will generate and use a self-signed certificate.

    This requires the library cryptography to be installed (pip install cryptography or pip install sila2[cryptography]). Use --ca-export-file CA_FILE to write the generated CA certificate to a file. Client applications might require this file to connect to the server.

Run python -m my_sila2_package --help to see all available options, e.g. on how to use your own certificates, or disable encrypted communication:

usage: python -m my_sila2_package [OPTIONS]

  Start this SiLA 2 server.

  -a, --ip-address TEXT         The IP address  [default:]
  -p, --port INTEGER            The port  [default: 50052]
  --server-uuid TEXT            The server UUID [default: generate random
  --server-name TEXT            The server name [default: defined by
  --server-description TEXT     The server description [default: defined by
  --disable-discovery           Disable SiLA Server Discovery
  --insecure                    Start without encryption
  -k, --private-key-file TEXT   Private key file (e.g. 'server-key.pem')
  -c, --cert-file TEXT          Certificate file (e.g. 'server-cert.pem')
  --ca-file-for-discovery TEXT  Certificate Authority file for distribution
                                via the SiLA Server Discovery (e.g. 'server-
  --ca-export-file TEXT         When using a self-signed certificate, write
                                the generated CA to this file
  --quiet                       Only log errors
  --verbose                     Enable verbose logging
  --debug                       Enable debug logging
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

Run SiLA Server from Python

You can also run the server from within Python. Just import the Server class from your package, instantiate it and use the start() method, which has similar parameters as when executing the package:

from my_sila2_package import Server

server = Server()

    server.start("", 50052)
    # do something

For details on how to start the server, see the documentation of the start() and start_insecure() methods.