Class SilaServer

class sila2.server.SilaServer(server_name: str, server_type: str, server_description: str, server_version: str, server_vendor_url: str, server_uuid: UUID | str | None = None, max_grpc_workers: int = 100, max_child_task_workers: int = 100, default_binary_transfer_lifetime: timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60))

SiLA Server

  • server_name – SiLA Server Name, max. 255 characters

  • server_type – SiLA Server Type, must start with a capital letter and can only contain letters (a-z, A-Z) and digits (0-9)

  • server_description – SiLA Server Description

  • server_version

    SiLA Server Version, e.g. "1.2", "1.2.3", or "1.2.3_beta".

    Pattern: Major.Minor.Patch_Details, where Major, Minor und Patch are numeric, Details is text (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _). Patch and Details are optional.

  • server_vendor_url – SiLA Server Vendor URL: The product or vendor homepage, must start with "http://" or "https://"

  • server_uuid – SiLA Server UUID. If given as a string, it must be formatted like "082bc5dc-18ae-4e17-b028-6115bbc6d21e"

  • max_grpc_workers – Max. number of worker threads used by gRPC

  • max_child_task_workers – Max. number of worker threads used by the implementation (e.g. observable command instances, observable property subscriptions, …)

metadata_interceptors: typing.List[MetadataInterceptor]

Registered metadata interceptors

children_by_fully_qualified_identifier: typing.Dict[FullyQualifiedIdentifier, Feature | Command | Property | Parameter | Response | IntermediateResponse | DefinedExecutionErrorNode | DataTypeDefinition | Metadata]

All child elements, accessible by their fully qualified identifier

generated_ca: bytes | None

PEM-encoded certificate authority of self-signed certificate, if generated on server startup

set_feature_implementation(feature: Feature, implementation: FeatureImplementationBase) None

Set a feature implementation

  • feature – Feature to implement

  • implementation – Feature implementation


RuntimeError – If the server was already started, or another implementation of the feature already was set

add_metadata_interceptor(interceptor: MetadataInterceptor)

Add an interceptor for SiLA Client Metadata handling


interceptor – Interceptor to add


RuntimeError – If the server is already running

start_insecure(address: str, port: int, enable_discovery: bool = True) None

Start the server using unencrypted communication

  • address – IP address or hostname where the server should run

  • port – Port where the server should run

  • enable_discovery – Whether to broadcast the server address for SiLA Server Discovery


Using unencrypted communication violates the SiLA specification and should only be used for testing purposes


From the SiLA Specification:

It is RECOMMENDED that all SiLA Servers have SiLA Server Discovery enabled by default, but all SiLA Devices MUST have SiLA Server Discovery enabled by default.

start(address: str, port: int, private_key: bytes | None = None, cert_chain: bytes | None = None, ca_for_discovery: bytes | None = None, enable_discovery: bool = True)

Start the server using unencrypted communication

When no encryption information is provided, a self-signed certificate is generated. Its PEM-encoded certificate authority is then stored in sila2.server.SilaServer.generated_ca.

  • address – IP address or hostname where the server should run

  • port – Port where the server should run

  • private_key – PEM-encoded private key for encrypted communication

  • cert_chain – PEM-encoded certificate chain for encrypted communication

  • ca_for_discovery – PEM-encoded certificate of the certificate authority that should be used in the SiLA Server Discovery (only useful if you manually provide an untrusted certificate)

  • enable_discovery – Whether to broadcast the server address for SiLA Server Discovery


From the SiLA Specification:

It is RECOMMENDED that all SiLA Servers have SiLA Server Discovery enabled by default, but all SiLA Devices MUST have SiLA Server Discovery enabled by default.

stop(grace_period: float | None = None) None

Stop the server and block until completion


grace_period (Time in seconds to wait before aborting all ongoing interactions) –

property running: bool

True if the server is running, False otherwise

property server_name: str

SiLA Server Name.

property server_type: str

SiLA Server Type.

property server_description: str

SiLA Server Description.

property server_version: str

SiLA Server Version.

property server_vendor_url: str

SiLA Server URL.

property server_uuid: UUID

SiLA Server UUID.