Generate a SiLA Server/Client package ===================================== Use the command :doc:`sila2-codegen new-package ` to generate a SiLA Server/Client Python package. Arguments (excerpt): - ``--package-name``: Name of the generated Python package (required, must be a valid Python identifier) - ``--output-dir``: Output directory (default: current directory) - ``feature_definitions``: Feature definition files of the features you want to implement (``.sila.xml`` files, optional) Example ------- Let's build a SiLA Server which implements the `GreetingProvider `_ example feature. 1. Create the package ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Create a new directory and open it in a terminal 2. If not done already: Install the ``sila2`` library by running ``pip install sila2`` (required Python >= 3.8) 3. Download the feature definition file into this directory: `GreetingProvider-v1_0.sila.xml `_ 4. Generate the package by running ``sila2-codegen new-package --package-name my_sila2_package GreetingProvider-v1_0.sila.xml`` Your current directory should now contain the following files and sub-directories: .. code-block:: ├── GreetingProvider-v1_0.sila.xml ├── my_sila2_package │ ├── feature_implementations │ │ ├── │ │ └── ... │ ├── generated │ │ ├── greetingprovider │ │ │ └── ... │ │ └── ... │ ├── │ └── ... └── pyproject.toml You can safely remove the file ``GreetingProvider-v1_0.sila.xml``, it was copied to the generated package files. - The file ``pyproject.toml`` is required for installing the generated package - The package code itself is located in the ``my_sila2_package`` directory - The file ```` defined the SiLA Server - The directory ``generated/greetingprovider`` contains multiple files required for implementing the ``GreetingProvider`` feature - The file ``feature_implementations/`` is where you implement the feature 2. Set server information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Open the file ````. It contains a class ``Server``: .. code-block:: python class Server(SilaServer): def __init__(self, server_uuid: Optional[UUID] = None): # TODO: fill in your server information super().__init__( server_name="TODO", server_type="TODO", server_version="0.1", server_description="TODO", server_vendor_url="", server_uuid=server_uuid, ) Replace the server name, type, version, description and vendor URL with appropriate values. This information will be available to all connected clients. The default values (``"TODO"``, ...) are valid values for these fields, so if you are just experimenting with the SDK, you don't need to do this. 3. Implement the GreetingProvider feature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The `GreetingProvider `_ feature defines the command ``SayHello`` and the property ``StartYear``: - ``SayHello`` expects a ``String`` parameter "Name" and returns the ``String`` "Greeting" - ``StartYear`` returns the year when the SiLA Server has been started To implement the feature, open the file ``my_sila2_package/feature_implementations/``. It contains a few imports and the following class: .. code-block:: python class GreetingProviderImpl(GreetingProviderBase): def get_StartYear(self, *, metadata: Dict[FullyQualifiedIdentifier, Any]) -> int: raise NotImplementedError # TODO def SayHello(self, Name: str, *, metadata: Dict[FullyQualifiedIdentifier, Any]) -> SayHello_Responses: raise NotImplementedError # TODO We can ignore the ``metadata`` arguments for now. See :doc:`feature_implementation` for instructions on how to work with SiLA Client Metadata. To implement the ``StartYear`` property, the method ``get_StartYear`` must return an :py:class:`int`. You can simply replace ``raise NotImplementedError # TODO`` with ``return 2022``. The command ``SayHello`` is specified to return a ``SayHello_Responses`` object. That class is imported from the file ``my_sila2_package/generated/greetingprovider/greetingprovider_types``, where it is defined like this: .. code-block:: python class SayHello_Responses(NamedTuple): Greeting: str The parameter ``Name`` is given as a :py:class:`str` object. Replace ``raise NotImplementedError # TODO`` with ``return SayHello_Responses(Greeting="Hello " + Name)``. Congratulations, you have now implemented a the GreetingProvider feature and can :doc:`start the server `.